It is no secret that the world can be a dangerous place and sometimes we are faced with these dangers in moments when split-second decisions can be the difference between life and death. Understanding what constitutes self-defense and what the lawful rights are to defend oneself is important for all North Carolinians. Read on to…
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Blog Posts & Articles
Age of Consent in NC: Understanding “Romeo and Juliet” Statutory Rape Laws
If you are in a sexual relationship with someone under the age of consent in North Carolina, you may be at risk of being charged with statutory rape or other sex crimes. A conviction for sexual offenses can lead to prison time and a lifetime spent on the national sex offender registry. At Coolidge Law…
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Aiding and Abetting DWI in North Carolina
Aiding And Abetting DWI Charges Even if you aren’t driving, you can still be convicted of a DWI in North Carolina, which can lead to losing your driver’s license, paying a fine, or jail time. Not sure how this is possible? Our criminal defense DWI attorneys at The Coolidge Law Firm share what you need…
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Parole Violation NC: North Carolina’s Parole and Probation Violations System
When you’re charged with a parole violation, it can be a serious offense and one that can get you sent back to prison. This is why it’s important to understand the alleged violation you are facing and the potential consequences. At the Coolidge Law Firm, our team of criminal defense lawyers can explain the process…
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The Truth About Stealing and How Theft Can Affect Your Criminal Record
Stealing is a serious offense that can lead to hefty punishment. Stolen property cases can go to court and can even result in a prison sentence depending on what was stolen and the value of the stolen goods. As we take a closer look at stealing and stolen property in North Carolina, we’re going to…
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How to Get Speeding Tickets Off Your Record?
While a speeding ticket may not seem like a big deal when you’re getting pulled over, it can have consequences later on. In North Carolina, traffic violations should be taken seriously, because not only does it create a mark on your driving record, it may also lead to an increase in car insurance rates. An…
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What To Do If You Have Been Charged With Resisting Arrest In North Carolina?
By definition, a person is considered under arrest when a police officer makes an act to put that person in custody. But what is not so easily defined is what happens if you take any actions to oppose an officer who is trying to arrest you. Every individual has the right to stay silent until…
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DWI Convictions: How Long After Drinking Can You Drive?
When it comes to your overall safety related to drinking and driving, you’ve probably heard the common rule of “one hour per drink.” For many people, this rule may be accurate, but it is safest to never assume you are sober enough to drive. A few factors that may alter the speed at which your…
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Violent Crimes: What’s the Difference between Battery and Assault?
There is never a time when one wants to be facing the charge of assault or battery, but it’s important to know the difference between the criminal charge in which you are facing. While assault and battery are commonly used as interchangeable terms, there are indeed separate offenses. No matter the specific term both violent…
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The Basics of Theft: How Misdemeanor Larceny and Felony Larceny are Different?
Theft as an overall term includes all different kinds of criminal stealing, including identity theft, theft of intellectual property, and theft of personal property. One of the most common forms of property crimes includes both petit and grand larceny. Some examples of larceny include: Carjacking; Shoplifting; Pick-pocketing; Theft of motor vehicle parts; Purse-snatching; or Any…
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