Category: Criminal
Violent Crimes: What’s the Difference between Battery and Assault?
There is never a time when one wants to be facing the charge of assault or battery, but it’s important to know the difference between the criminal charge in which you are facing. While assault and battery are commonly used as interchangeable terms, there are indeed separate offenses. No matter the specific term both violent…
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The Basics of Theft: How Misdemeanor Larceny and Felony Larceny are Different?
Theft as an overall term includes all different kinds of criminal stealing, including identity theft, theft of intellectual property, and theft of personal property. One of the most common forms of property crimes includes both petit and grand larceny. Some examples of larceny include: Carjacking; Shoplifting; Pick-pocketing; Theft of motor vehicle parts; Purse-snatching; or Any…
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Understanding Embezzlement in North Carolina
Like most financial crimes, embezzlement is a very complex charge. If you or a loved one are facing embezzlement charges, our Wake County defense attorneys are providing an in-depth look at this crime, including what it is, how it differs from larceny, and the kind of penalties you may be facing. What Is Embezzlement? Embezzlement…
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Understanding Identity Theft in North Carolina
While most people think of identity theft as sprawling networks of computer hackers stealing financial data, it’s actually much more broad than this, and much more serious than many people think. Our criminal defense attorneys in Wake County are sharing a more in-depth look at what identity theft is, the penalties for convictions, and when…
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Why You Need an Attorney When You’re Accused of a Violent Crime
Facing charges of assault or disorderly conduct? We’re sharing how our defense lawyers can help you when you’ve been accused of a violent crime.
When Should You Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney?
When You Need to Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges, every second counts when it comes to defending your rights and building a defense strategy. We’re looking at why and when you need to hire a criminal defense attorney, along with four instances you didn’t know…
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What is a Preliminary Hearing?
After an arrest for a criminal offense you may appear in court in a preliminary hearing before a trial is scheduled. Most criminal proceedings begin with an arrest. If the alleged offense occurs in the presence of a police officer, he or she can arrest the suspect right then. If it does not, the suspect…
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What Happens at an Arraignment?
In a criminal case when someone has been arrested and accused of committing a crime, there is a formal hearing called an arraignment. This is when the defendant is advised of the charges that have been filed against them, advised of their legal and constitutional rights, and states how they want to plead — guilty,…
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Difference Between Expungement and Dismissal
Terms used in the legal environment can sometimes be confusing. Two that are commonly mistaken and sources of confusion are “expungement” and “dismissal.” These are different actions. What is the difference between expungement and dismissal? Coolidge Law Firm has experience in the criminal court arena and knows how to advise you on your eligibility for…
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Criminal Fraud Vs. Civil Fraud: What’s the Difference?
Criminal fraud and civil fraud are distinguished primarily by who is seeking legal action in the case. Coolidge Law Firm is experienced in representing clients who have been accused of fraud, both criminal and civil. In this article, our criminal defense attorneys define both criminal fraud and civil fraud, point out the differences between the…
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